Thursday, July 11, 2019

A Journey has ended

My Cheech,

Days before you officially turned 2.5 (today), we finally stopped nursing. It had been a long time coming. You used boobies for milk, for comfort, and for suckles. Nursing was a constant given if your life, if you were ever hungry, sleepy, cranky, sick, anything-- you always knew you could come up to mommy for some suckles. You slept in bed with us and woke up at all hours just to paw at me and get your boo. You still ask for boobies, but you just snuggle up to them now. To help you fall asleep, you lay down next to dad's pillow and you tell me, "scratch my back", and I do this until you give into your angelic slumber.

It was difficult to give you so, so, so much of me for this long but it has the greatest labor of love I've accomplished to date. I want to thank you for making me resilient, for helping me find strength deep within me to keep connecting with you. Raising you is a lifelong commitment, Hailey, but I want you to know mommy's warmth will always keep and protect you.

Love always,


Sunday, October 7, 2018



I retrieved some notes from my phone. Hope you enjoy them:

Little life, I believe I felt you wiggle around tonight. 👣
12 wks 4 days

Love you stinky face,

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Dear Hailey,

You’re peacefully napping on our bed so I’m squeezing this in. I say ours because we’ve shared it for most of your life. You’re about three months shy of two and but act like one grown lady. Since your arrival, we have been apart only once; three nights and what must have felt like an eternity to you. I’ll elaborate later more about the night you were born. I still remember that story very well.

Lately, you’ve been pushing limits, testing boundaries, and “vocalizing” a lot more; only you know what you mean. When you're tired, you plank on our coffee table, chairs, and unfortunately, our toilets (I wish you wouldn't). You’re very sassy, coy with a look, and have the most unruly little curls that bounce when you run.  

Here are some fun facts about you-at-almost-two:

Your favorite movies, that you sit pretty much all the way through, are (in first to latest): Coco, Moana, Sing, and Frozen. You also ask to watch these movies by saying: "coco", "annan", "shing", and "fofhsgeuika" or something to that effect.

You’re very fond of TV’s Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Sesame Street, Peppa Pig ("papa"), and Mickey ("mimi") Mouse Clubhouse.

You have a love for all things carbohydrates. Where there is pasta with pesto, or mac and cheese, there is a happy baby. And let's not forget pizza!

You also really love a good bread, French toast, pancake, waffle and bagel. At around six months, I made you blueberry pancakes for the first time. I've also made banana "nana" bread which you also enjoy.

We’re still breastfeeding but you and I both know our time is running out. You’re very attached to me because we truly are together all of the time.

The latest and greatest is your interest in coffee ("Fe"), both hot and cold. You really enjoy the sips mom and dad (and your abuel@s) let you have.

You adore going outside, walking to the fountain, and blowing bubbles. We blow bubbles sometimes in the house too.

              We try to nurture your interests as much as possible. I introduced books to you once we came home and you’ve loved them since too. For some time you have brought me books of your choosing for me to read aloud. These have been some of my most treasured moments with you.

Favorite books include:
-       “My Friends” by Taro Gomi
-       “Toes, Ears & Nose”
-       “How Do You Say I Love You?”
-       “My Mommy is Magic”
-       “My Daddy is My Hero”

I'm going to wrap up for now. Let the major jump in dates be a testament to how dedicated (and forgetful) I have been as a mother. We've created countless memories and pictures to match. I'll be back with more of your stories. You're going to be waking up soon and wanting more of life!

Always love,

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 38

Little Miss Pepper,

Turns out mommy is 37 and not 38 weeks. This whole time we've been 7 days ahead-- your due date is on Christmas! But we're really hoping you make a surprise appearance before then. We wanna be home cuddle up by our tree on that date (or showing you off to the family). I should note that about 2 weeks ago I went to check up on a us at the hospital because I was having false contractions. Grandma documented some of that.

But since it has been a month since I last wrote about you and our experience together, let's get some thing very important out of the way. The people of the US have chosen a president which may affect our future in some way. But you shouldn't worry because we're your parents and we're going to protect you. Just know that everyone is created equal no matter who they love, what color their skin is or where they were born. People are human and we respect everyone so long as they respect us. And sometimes it's better to continue with kindness even though someone may be a little mean to us. More on that later in life lessons...

Today is Monday. It's my first day at home as I'm no longer going into work. I got a few chores done around the house and now I'm planning meals so that I can manage dinner when you arrive. I'll be doing a lot of that from here on out-- plan, plan, plan!

Friday, mommy turns 28! I wonder what dad and I will do. It is a work day for him after all. All I know is that I want to go out for a full breakfast!

Now come out soon because you're crowding up mommy's insides and making her feel all degrees of heartburn ;)

Always in love with you,


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Week 33 Day 5

Hey Babe,

We voted today! On a rainy Saturday, dad and I went to vote to ensure the best possible future for you and our great country. (Theres a chance that the outcome is really scary.) I have yet to ever miss an election. You'll follow in my footsteps too because women fought long and hard to earn this privilege.

You're kicking lots! And lately, I'm feeling EXTRA tired. I wonder if you'll make it to your due date (12/19/16). Either way, you'll be safe. But hold on just a little longer. Dad and I are taking childbirth classes later this month.

Oh, and your shower was on October 30th. There were LOTS of people and LOTS of gifts. Grandma Alba came over and helped accommodate your room. It's all looking so lovely... We're getting some finishing touches in the mail next week. I hope you love it!

I'll write some more soon! Dad and I still have some prepping to do.

Love you always,


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 30 Day 3

Dearest Pepper,

I haven't written about our experience in a couple of weeks but a lot has been going on. On September 29, my co-workers threw us a surprise baby shower. It was festive and flamingo themed! Also, your daddy and grandma surprised me too as they were also invited. We had a nice, light lunch and opened up some very thoughtful gifts. You got some wipes, a few outfits and pacifiers and a few days later came your first pack of diapers. We we're so blessed! That weekend (Saturday, October 1), dad and I went up to Epcot. There we met grandma, grandpa and uncle Ian. It was the Food & Wine festival, and while mommy can't drink, she surely can eat. We walked around a bit and enjoyed the sunny day.

Today I went in for a check-up. Doctor says you're looking great and growing right on track! Seems like you will be a nice 7 pound baby. Although your due date is set for December 19, you may be coming into the world a few days early. You see, mommy's body is adjusting and her bones are making way for you to come out. And although this is slightly painful for me, I couldn't be happier knowing my body is adjusting and anticipating your arrival.

We've been receiving gifts on your behalf. The big baby shower is right around the corner (October 30) and some guests have opted to ship the gifts over to the house. Dad and I really enjoying un-boxing these gifts when he gets home in the evening. It seems to be hitting him more and more that you will soon be with us (9 weeks and 3 days to be "exact") with all these toys and boxes around. Hopefully we will be getting around to assembling your crib soon.

With all the love in my heart,


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 27

Hello Little One,

It's quite late or early, depends on how you view time. But here I am awake and thinking of you as well as a few other things. Mommy is trying to organize her thoughts and dedicate a little more time to her ever-changing body. Preparing for your arrival is quite the task but I can't afford to fall behind on my personal accomplishments, baby. Your dad is in the living room right now. It's 2:45 am and he's working. Monday's are his busiest days and so he's preparing for that. He works really hard to provide the best possible life for us. I can't wait for you to bond with him.

We took you to your third concert in utero this Friday. Your first was Beyonce at about 10 weeks or so, with our cousin Kristy and your aunt Jessica. Your second was Dave Matthews Band (at around 18 weeks), which dad and I really enjoy listening to. And your third was Kanye West, which is likely the only one you were able to hear. We had such a fun time and mommy danced and bounced around a lot. I'm sure you were able to feel the party!

We've been organizing things around the house as we make room for you. I'm hoping to finally build your crib. But first, I'd like to assemble your dad's patio furniture. I do foresee some early mornings or late nights out there for me too-- as soon as the mosquitos settle down!

So here we are; growing. Everyday. I'm going to try to get some sleep now. I'd like to have a productive Monday. If only I was as proactive and busy as your dad :)
Just know that we can't wait to cuddle you, little bundle.

With all the love in the Universe,